Thursday 23 October 2014

Preparing the second half of your “BAC section européenne” exam...

The second half of the section européenne BAC oral exam is an "informal" 10-minute "intellectual" conversation with the jury on a subject chosen by the jury from your red ring binder.

In your red ring binder you have compiled reports on all the "activités culturelles et d’ouverture à l’international" that you have taken part in at school since your "seconde" year. The jury will choose a topic of conversation from among all these reports. 

The aim of the second half of the "section euro" exam is to have a real conversation; it is NOT a "question and answer" session (i.e. the jury asks a question and you answer it)! You must avoid just talking about yourself or simply giving a one-sided report on a school trip; give the jury something to say about your topic (you can ask questions and even disagree)! For example, if you have taken part in a school play, tell the jury what you did (acting, make-up, props, whatever) and what the experience was like and what you learned, but also discuss (for example) why you think the play's themes are still relevant today (ask the jury members if they share your opinion).

The jury has to assess how knowledgeable you are about a topic, and how coherent you are in your opinions, and how persuasive you are in your arguments. It also has to assess how well you use English in a "spontaneous" way (do you hesitate too much, do you understand everything, do you use the language appropriately and efficiently?). The jury will assess not so much your level of English but rather how well you use your speaking (communication) skills (to say something interesting and relevant).

You MUST prepare all your potential conversation subjects really well (avoid “reciting” information during the conversation however). The conversation (which has to be lively, even challenging) needs to last 10 minutes (on just one subject preferably).

YOU must lead the conversation! Ask the members of the jury what they think or know, interrupt (politely), make pertinent comments, etc.

A conversation is easier if you are positive and constructive about things. Avoid being self-deprecatory (about your views). Be convinced about what you say and be convincing (don’t be vague). It is not negative in a conversation to admit ignorance or doubt (but do not say "I don't know" just to avoid verbal exchange!).

Smile at appropriate moments, look at the members of the jury, stay calm, and use (positive) body language!

Do not speak too fast or too slow and never mumble!

Show your in-depth knowledge (without being pretentious). Use appropriate quotes and useful figures and facts.

Show you have really thought about an issue, that you have a real opinion but that you are open to new ways of looking at an issue.

Some useful vocabulary:
  • Really?
  • Yes, indeed!
  • Yes, isn’t it?!
  • That’s interesting, I had not thought of that!
  • That’s a fair point!
  • Don’t you think…?
  • Perhaps, but…
  • I’m not sure about that, perhaps…
  • It’s a complex issue!
  • Sure, but does it not also depend on your experience/values/beliefs?
  • That’s an interesting idea/point of view, but I think you have omitted an essential fact/factor/aspect…
  • I’m not sure I agree…
  • I beg to differ!
  • I don’t really agree because…


To help the jury choose a conversation topic, you should show the jury a ring binder containing details of the cultural and international exchange activities you took part in as a member of your "Section européenne".
  • The jury has very little time to choose, so the information has to be very clear and succinct.
  • The A4 ring binder (15mm rings) is plastic and cherry red.
  • Put the (white) pages in plastic covers.
  • Use one page as a "cover" page (your name, etc.), then one page as a "contents" page.
  • Use one page per activity described (you can add relevant material: newspaper articles, etc., but be sure to indicate how they relate to the activity).
  • Use "Word".
  • Choose one elegant but easy to read police.
  • Keep the same format for each page.
  • Titles: about 26 (same size on each page) at the top, centred.
  • Make the titles "catchy".
  • Add an appropriate picture (labelled) between the title and the text.
  • Text: 14 (do not change size).
  • The text is a short paragraph which says a lot about the activity with as few words as possible (say what you learned).
  • Use bullet points if necessary.
  • For details of the cover page, click on "Read more" below!

(First name) (FAMILY NAME)
Term ES/L/S


Épreuve orale de section européenne
BAC Juin 2019

My report on the cultural and international exchange activities I took part in as a member of the "Section européenne" of my school.

CONTENTS (these are just examples!)

In "seconde":

Page 1Our citizen project: learning to help others... 
Page 2: Our play: Macbeth (the quick version!)
Page 3Europe Day: learning what being a European citizen really means.
Page 4My views on the news: writing an article for a blog.

In "première":

Page 1: Visit to an art gallery (workshop).
Page 2Rome wasn't built in a day: a great study trip!
Page 3Europe Day: We organized a conference.
Page 4: Setting up an exhibition on the migrant crisis.

In "terminale":

Page 1Remembrance Day: reciting a poem, singing a song for peace.
Page 2: School trip to a castle and a museum.
Page 3Welcoming foreign pupils to our school.
Page 4My views on the news: writing a scientific article for a blog.

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